Thursday, November 4, 2010

Onion Rings

Our dear Otto is now the size of a large onion.  He has his own unique fingerprints now, his skeleton is hardening from cartilage to bone, and he can hear ... so MJ and I often play Mozart into my tummy.

In honor of this week's developments, we made onion rings.  I say "we" because MJ helped this time.  It was too much for me to be making our dinner and breading and frying onion rings at the same time!  We borrowed a fryer from a friend (SO much easier than trying to regulate oil temperature in a pot, as we've done before!) and followed this recipe, which had a ton of very positive reviews.

The onion rings were delicious!  I was pretty impressed that we made them ourselves.  And although the huge yellow onion made a lot of rings, we ate them all.  Every single one.

P.S.  MJ still insists the key lime tarts from the first trimester were the best recipe so far.  :)

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