Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Visit with Friends

On Thursday and Friday MJ had to travel to Virginia to attend a conference.  Since we have friends from Notre Dame in the area, I decided to tag along and hang out with this gal and her four kids while our husbands were at their conference.  When our friend Carol found out, she decided to join us, so we had a Notre Dame girls' reunion weekend.  What fun!

We had a blast hanging out, catching up, and playing with the kids.  Between the three of us, there were five children and two more on the way!  Carol is due in April too (with her second child), and her first son is MJ's and my godson, Patrick.  I don't get to see him nearly enough, so it was a real joy to have him there.  And here he is: almost 18 months old now!

The three of us girls in the beautiful backyard:

We enjoyed the nice weather, played on the swings, kicked the soccer ball around a bit, and mostly just enjoyed our brief time together. 

I got lots of great tips from both experienced moms on what to buy, sleeping arrangements, feeding schedules, etc.  I'm so glad to have them as resources when Otto makes his appearance next spring!

I really wanted to get a picture of all of us together, but unfortunately between school and naps, there was never a time when all three of us girls and all five kids were in the same place!  It was a great (albeit quick) trip and a nice re-connection with old friends.

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

We loved every minute of it... Thanks so much for making the trip and showering us all with love. Blessings to you all and little Otto!! :)