Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thank you, Kris!

MJ and I received an unexpected package in the mail this week ... a box from one of my closest friends, Kris.  We've been friends since freshman year of college, and she's been a great source of support through all of our trials and tribulations trying to have a baby.  Now that we're finally expecting one, she will be a great resource for all baby- and child-related things, since she's an experienced mom of two!

Much to my surprise, the box contained two gifts for Otto:  an adorable Pooh blanket that would be perfect for either a boy or a girl, and the book Love You Forever.  This book was always a favorite of her kids, and I was first introduced to it during a visit with their family.  The ending always makes me tear up!

I am a huge proponent of books and reading out loud to children, just like my parents did with me.  This is Otto's first book, and I'm so excited to begin his/her own little library!  Between me and MJ, we own mountains of books and seem to always be in need of more bookshelves.  I'm sure any child of ours will cherish books as much as we do.

Tomorrow MJ and I are off to visit my family for Thanksgiving.  I can't wait to see my little nephew again!  Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, and enjoy the delicious food!


Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie,

I'm glad you mentioned the gifts you received. I almost always include "Love You Forever" with any baby gift I give. I usually have at least two copies on hand. I cry everytime I read it. It's a special book, and you're fortunate that it's the first one in Otto's library.

I heard you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Give your family my best.

Auntie Arline

kyannone said...

love you guys forever!