Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Maternity Clothes

Once I decided to start wearing maternity pants full-time, I made an unfortunate realization: maternity pants require maternity tops.  I had never considered this, but most of my regular tops aren't long enough to cover the maternity band on the pants.  So last week I was forced to go buy some maternity tops that would be long enough to cover the waistbands on my maternity pants.

I was a little frustrated that I had to buy maternity tops.  I don't need them yet, and I don't like buying things when I don't need them.  But fortunately there were a lot of post-holiday sales going on, so I picked up some basics for good prices. 

While trying on a variety of styles, I also realized that there are two kinds of maternity tops: ones that leave TONS of room for your belly (like the kind with a tie behind your back), and ones that seem like non-maternity tops, but longer.  All the ones I purchased are the second kind, because the first kind make me look somewhere between an elephant and a hippo.  :)  MJ and I both agree that at this point in my pregnancy (the is-she-pregnant-or-is-she-fat point), I look much better in more form-fitting tops. 

As for pants, there appear to be two kinds: those with a full-belly panel that stretches up all the way over your stomach, and those with a thinner elastic band that stays under your belly.  Surprisingly, it's been my experience so far that the ones with an under-belly band actually stay up better than the ones with the full-belly panel.  Of course, that might change when my tummy gets bigger, but right now I greatly prefer the smaller, lower band.

I have two pairs of maternity jeans, and one pair of black pants for nicer occasions.  I think I can get through the rest of the pregnancy with those three pairs.  One pair of jeans is a lighter wash, which I am having hemmed short to wear with flats and sneakers.  The other pair of jeans is a darker wash, which I am having hemmed a little longer to wear with boots and other shoes that have a heel.

So there you go: the status of my wardrobe at the moment!  I think I have 6-7 tops to go with my three pairs of pants.  I know I'll probably have to break down at some point and get some more tops, as well as a dress or a dressy top to wear to my showers, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

I hope you can last with 3 pair--your wallet will be happy! Alas, your belly may eventually send you shopping! Good luck!