Saturday, February 26, 2011

34w0d Update

I've gotten used to having very standard OB appointments: a quick measurement of my belly, an ultrasound to see how Otto is doing, everything is perfect, and we're done.

This week, however, my doctor told me that I am measuring a little small for being almost 34 weeks.  I am measuring closer to 32 weeks, a lag of about 1.5 weeks. 

Now I know a lot of you are saying, "Of course you're measuring small; I've been telling you that all along!"  But actually, although I've looked small this entire pregnancy, my measurements have always been spot-on, even at my latest appointment just two weeks ago.  This is the first time my measurements have been off even the slightest bit.

My doctor told me that with women who have my build, and who carry their babies the way I'm carrying Otto, this is not uncommon.  He anticipates that the lag will continue to increase for the remaining 6 weeks of my pregnancy.  So although I'm only about 1.5 weeks off right now, I could be closer to 5 or 6 weeks off by the time I'm full term.

As long as there is plenty of amniotic fluid, he says this is not a concern.  And right now, I have a normal amount of amniotic fluid.  But as a precautionary measure, he is sending me for a better-quality ultrasound next Wednesday, when they will measure the baby and give us an estimate of how large he is.

My doctor fully expects Otto to be around the 30th-40th percentile: small, but nothing to worry about.  If so, I will continue my normal appointments.  If Otto is measuring extremely small, in the 10th percentile or smaller, then I will be monitored more closely for the duration of my pregnancy to make sure my amniotic fluid levels stay normal.  (Apparently the combination of small baby and low fluid levels can be dangerous, so that's why they would keep a close eye on me.)

I will keep you all posted.  My doctor isn't worried, so I'm not worried.  He told me to just relax and look forward to having an unexpected high-quality look at the baby next week, and that's exactly what I'm doing.  I scheduled it for lunchtime so MJ can come too, and hopefully we will be able to videotape it so you can see it too!

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