Wednesday, April 13, 2011

40w4d Update

Still no signs from Otto that he is ready to join us.

In the meantime, my doctor (who is out of town from now until Sunday) wanted to schedule me for an induction next week.  We hope that this will be unnecessary -- that I will go into labor on my own before next week -- but just in case, he wants it on his calendar and on the hospital's schedule.

So MJ and I decided on Tuesday, April 19.  Again, I'm really hoping it won't come to this.  However, my doctor will be back in town and on call Tuesday night.  So if I get induced that day, he will definitely deliver the baby, which would be great.

The 19th is still a week from now, so a lot can happen in that time.  And honestly, if Otto hasn't decided to come on his own by then (11 days late), chances are we need some medical intervention anyway.  I'm trying to stay positive about this whole thing.

My biggest concern is that by next Tuesday, my condition might still be the same: not dilated or effaced at all.  If so, the odds of a successful induction aren't in my favor, and I have a much greater chance of ending up with a c-section.  I am hoping to discover I'm a little dilated and effaced at my appointment tomorrow, or my appointment on Monday.  If Monday's appointment reveals that conditions are still not favorable for an induction, MJ and I will have a hard decision to make: do we move forward with the induction, knowing the increased chances for a c-section, or do we bump the induction back and risk MJ's parents not getting to meet the baby when they come for Easter weekend? 

I am praying hard for two things: either I go into labor on my own by then, or my body has at least started getting ready, and therefore the induction is more likely to be successful.

Any prayers, thoughts, good wishes, or other vibes sent our way would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

You are doing so great! Just think--since Otto was measuring small, you're giving him/her a chance to catch up before birth. Trust me--you want a nice, happy, chubby baby at birth. They eat and sleep better when they're bigger. cook away, Otto!! Hugs and prayers.