Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pumpkin Loaf

I was hoping to not get around to this post, because, you know, maybe we'd be in the hospital having the baby.  But no.  Instead, I baked a pumpkin loaf yesterday afternoon because Otto is the size of a pumpkin this week.  Specifically, a pumpkin who is not rolling into the outside world anytime soon.

It was pretty tasty, but not as good as the zucchini bread from week 22. 

We each had a slice last night while we watched the Yankees game.  After I finished mine, I went into the kitchen to clean up the dinner dishes, and MJ put his slice down on the coffee table to work on his laptop.  A few minutes later I heard yelling and a big commotion in the family room.  Rory, ever the opportunist, had snatched both the remainder of MJ's slice and the napkin it was on.  She was able to swallow everything while darting around the downstairs, evading MJ.  What can I say, she's a multi-tasker!

Tick tock ... tick tock ...

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