Friday, April 15, 2011

6 Days Late

Still waiting ... ho hum.

In the meantime, I'm being very productive.  I made this spring wreath for the front door:

And planted this potted herb garden on the deck (cilantro, basil and rosemary):

And took a picture of me and MJ (since I realized I didn't have one of the two of us where I looked pregnant):

Today I spent about 5 hours working like crazy in the yard.  Each project led to another, and before I knew it, I had created two new flower beds, tilled the soil, planted a ton of annuals, mulched, watered all the new flowers, mowed the front and back yards, bagged all the grass and dragged the bags to the curb for pickup, trimmed, edged, and swept the drive and walks.  Whew!  If all that activity and hard work doesn't kick start my labor soon, I don't know what will. 

We taught our final Faith Formation class of the year Wednesday night.  The kids were really disappointed that the baby hadn't been born yet because they were hoping to meet him.  We promised to e-mail them all after the birth and let them know whether we have a boy or a girl, and what the name is.

Tick tock ... tick tock ...

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow-you have taken "nesting" to a whole new level. Putting on a new roof tomorrow? So sorry you have to play the waiting game at this point. Maybe you could even squeeze in one more trip to Pittsburgh before baby comes??