Saturday, April 30, 2011

Growth Spurt?

At the moment, MJ and I are enjoying a rare bit of peace and quiet as CC takes a nap.  The last day has been tough on all of us.  CC has been extremely fussy, and has consistently demanded to be fed every hour or hour and a half.  She is not "snacking" (something I discourage) -- she is eating full meals, 20 minutes or more at a time.

I think she may be hitting her first growth spurt.  The pediatrician told me that it would happen at the three-week point, so I wasn't expecting it so soon.  However, if you count from CC's due date (April 9), she's actually three weeks old now.  Several of my baby books consider an infant's age to start from the due date, so it's possible that CC is hitting the three-week growth spurt now.  That would definitely explain her ravenous appetite!

For the first time since she was born, I found myself wondering this morning if CC's demand for food would exceed my supply.  But so far it seems to be keeping up.  I am relieved that she finally fell asleep in her Mamaroo chair a few minutes ago, and am praying that she sleeps for at least an hour or two.  MJ has a ton of work to do this weekend, and I would like the chance to get some work done around the house, and (gasp) maybe even take a nap this afternoon!

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

Sounds like she's hitting it early! Hopefully in a few days your supply will catch up and she'll be back to longer stretches. Great job, Mom and CC!