Friday, May 27, 2011

Photo Friday

This is the most common view of CC lately: with her fist in her mouth.  Since birth, she has had a strong sucking reflex, and will suck on anything within reach of her little mouth.  Lately she has realized that her own two hands will do.  Sometimes she ends up sucking on her fingers, and sometimes her thumb (so cute!), but most often it's the whole fist.

This is great news for me and MJ!  If CC can learn to soothe herself, by sucking on her hands/thumb/fingers, then it will reduce the times she wakes up from a nap crying because she wants a pacifier, or cries in the car because her pacifier fell out of her mouth.

It will be a while before CC has the ability to consciously bring her hand to her mouth to soothe herself (right now it's often accidental, and sometimes it gets in the way, like when she tries to suck on her fist when the pacifier is already in her mouth or when she's nursing).  But it's definitely a start!

On another topic, I've realized recently that many people think we call our daughter "CC."  I apologize for any confusion; I wasn't clear about it when she was born.  We actually call her by her first name, but for security reasons on this blog, I refer to her as "CC" (just as I refer to us as E and MJ).

We've been getting cards and gifts addressed to "CC Morrison," so I thought I would set the record straight!

1 comment:

Team Copouls said...

I'm from the April 2011 club on BBC and bookmarked your blog a while back. Your photography skills are amazing! I figured you were going with initials for security reasons (good idea!), and now that you've explained that I wanted to let you know that there was one slip up on the "Meeting Brien" post. In the very end, you say her actual name. Just thought you might want to go back and edit that. And if you'd like to look at my blog, it's :o)