Saturday, May 28, 2011


This past week, I had my official postpartum appointment with my OB.  Anytime between 4-6 weeks after birth is fine, and although I was going to wait until the 6th week, I had some questions, so I went in last Tuesday.

My incision is healing wonderfully.  My doctor says he's not tooting his own horn, but it's a 9 out of 10, and he wishes it was the kind of scar I could go around showing people.  Not likely!  But I'm happy it's healed well, although it's not that big a deal -- no one will ever see it!  And all other aspects of my recovery are perfect, except ...

I just cannot kick this mastitis infection.  I had bad flu-like symptoms when CC was about 3 weeks old, and after visiting my doctor he confirmed I had mastitis.  After two weeks of antibiotics, it seemed to be cleared up: no chills, no fever, no achiness or exhaustion.  But although I had just completed my course of antibiotics the previous week, last week all my symptoms came back.  Ugh.  It is really hard to care for a tiny infant and keep up with everything around the house when I feel like I have the flu!

I am on another 14-day course of antibiotics now, and my doctor says this is not abnormal.  Mastitis is apparently a deep-tissue infection that can be very difficult to get rid of.  I am hoping that this second round of medicine will do the trick; I really don't like taking antibiotics (don't worry -- they are perfectly safe for CC).

Fortunately I am feeling normal again now, day 4 of the dicloxacillin.  And everything else about my recovery is perfect.  I have been given a completely clean bill of health from my doctor, and am able to resume all normal activities.

To celebrate, this morning I went for my first jog in almost a year.  It wasn't pretty (there's a reason there aren't any pictures in this post!), but I'm thrilled to be getting back into exercising.  I didn't run far (3.2 miles) or fast (about 9 minutes per mile), but it still felt great.  In a sweaty-and-heaving-and-miserable kind of way.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

ha three miles is good for someone who just had a baby and a c-section dont get down on yourself