Monday, June 20, 2011

Two Months

Ah, our darling CC turned two months yesterday!  I gave her a photo shoot to commemorate the occasion.  Here are some of my favorites:

And a goofy one:

Here's what we've learned since she was born:

- She loves to smile and talk, just like her mommy
- She is not a fan of being cuddled very much
- She is very strong-willed, which will serve her well in life
- She is physically very strong, just like her daddy
- Eating is one of her favorite things to do
- She is cranky if she doesn't get naps ... lots of naps
- She does much better being on a strict schedule
- Rhythmic noises fascinate her
- She needs some "alone" time every day or she gets overstimulated and fussy
- She is generally impatient, like both her parents
- She loves restaurants, which are magical, sleep-inducing places!

I will be interested to see which of these traits stick with her throughout her life!  I think she will have a personality much like MJ's: impulsive and fun, sharp as a tack, stubborn, sometimes irritable, but always loving.

1 comment:

Manda said...

I love the eyes in her photos! Great Job!