Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This was taken this morning, before MJ headed to LA for a week on business.  So unfortunately the three of us will not be together for CC's first Halloween.  She and I are off to visit my family for the week, so we won't be alone (and so I'll have some help!).

Seriously ... CC is the cutest ladybug there ever was!

Big things are happening in the family, though.  My newest nephew, Bryson, is about to make his arrival -- any minute now!  His proud papa, my younger brother Patrick, barely made it back from Afghanistan in time.  But he arrived yesterday, and while we are all breathing a collective sigh of relief that he made it home safely, we are anxiously awaiting word of Karen going into labor.  Maybe Bryson will be a Halloween baby?

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

So adorable! Hope she had a good first holiday--I'd say so since she did so well with the broccoli. She's the only kid in town enjoying that kind of feast! Good one for the books!