(Cue music from Queen) And another one bites, and another one bites, another one bites the dust ...
Four weeks left! And by that I mean: no more than four weeks before these babies are here. That's my 39-week deadline, beyond which my doctor will not let me go. Holy cow!
Unfortunately, the battle against ridiculously swollen ankles has begun. I am humbly grateful that I've gotten this far without grotesque cankles; based on my pregnancy with CC, my doctor and I both assumed I would be battling them from early on in this pregnancy. If I only have to deal with them for the final month, I am lucky. But I haven't thrown in the towel yet -- I am keeping my feet up as much as possible, drinking a lot of water, trying not to stay in the same position for too long.
Otherwise, I'm doing fine. I've made progress on CC's new room and on many of the tasks on my to-do list. Biggest things remaining: decorating CC's big girl room; hiring a cleaning service (how decadent!); and finding someone to watch all three children for a few hours each week so I will be able to run errands, make appointments, or just get things done around the house.
The twins are probably almost 6 pounds each at this point, about the size of honeydew melons, so I'm carrying a lot of baby! I've been feeling very large movements lately, so I'm really curious about whether the babies have changed positions. Unfortunately, with no more ultrasounds left, I won't know until they're born!
This was a big week for weight gain; I'm up to 47 pounds now. The babies are effectively done developing now, and are just packing on some extra weight before their births. But I'm glad they're still tucked up tight inside me, because there can be a significant amount of brain and lung maturity happening these last few weeks.
How exciting! From your picture you dont look very big, not 12 pounds of baby. Do you plan on nursing your twins?
you really look like you started to "drop" this week
Yes, I hope to nurse them. I just need to figure out how to keep CC occupied while I'm nursing!
And my belly is definitely getting bigger in every direction, but technically neither of the babies has "dropped" yet.
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