Sunday, March 29, 2015

Butterfly Release

It took about 10 days for our "Painted Lady" butterflies to emerge from their chrysalises. We ended up with five butterflies, and decided to release them this afternoon.

CC gave the instructions, since she'd just seen her teachers release butterflies at school.

"You have to get them on your finger, Daddy."

She was nervous at first, but with a little encouragement she finally agreed to let one sit on her sleeve.

Sweet Pea took a look, but didn't want one to touch her.

Little Man couldn't have cared less -- he just wanted to play on the swing set!

We placed them carefully on tree branches, where they stayed for a few minutes, moving their wings slowly. Then they were off, and fluttering all over the yard! It'll be interesting to see if they stick around this summer.

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