Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Itchy Boy

Poor Little Man. For the last two months, he's had a horrible skin rash on his entire body. It's so itchy that he scratches himself raw and bloody on a daily basis. I've taken him to the pediatrician several times with no luck, and we were at our wits' end. Not only did we feel terrible for the poor kid, but his already volatile temperament has been much worse because of his discomfort!

We took him to an allergist, who gave him a full workup. But despite Little Man's seeming reaction to several potential allergens (dust mites, certain mold spores), follow-up blood tests confirmed that he is actually not allergic to anything that we know of.

But while we were waiting for the blood test results, the doctor prescribed a (shockingly) expensive skin oil called DermaSmooth. Whoa. This stuff is awesome. Within several days of using it directly after baths, Little Man's itching had disappeared. His skin is soft and smooth, like a toddler's should be! His scabs and scratches are starting to heal. 

I'm hoping this is the end of our troubles with Little Man's skin. The poor guy has been through enough! But at least he appears to be on the mend, and my mind is at ease knowing that he is not having an allergic reaction to something.

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