Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Little Fish

So, look what happened this past weekend:

CC learned to swim! (direct link: https://youtu.be/10umE96z7gE)

Alice was hosting another of her fun Sunday afternoon pool parties, and as we were getting sunscreened, packed, and ready to go, CC announced that she didn't want to bring her floatie because she was going to swim "like a big kid."

MJ and I rolled our eyes. Considering CC didn't know how to swim, and Alice's pool is 4 feet deep at the shallowest end, leaving her floatie at home didn't seem like a good idea. I hid it at the bottom of my tote bag, under the beach towels, so CC wouldn't see it. I was sure she'd want it within minutes of getting in the water.

When we arrived, CC got right in the pool, asked to swim to me, and SPLASH! In she jumped, and kicked frantically until she made it to where I was. I was thrilled she was actually willing to give this a try (all summer, CC has been reluctant to put her face in the water). But she kept telling me to back up further and further, until she was coming up for air several times in order to make it to me! Before we left, she was swimming the entire width of the pool. 

I don't know what made CC do this. She hasn't taken any swim lessons, short of the introductory sessions she had with Alice last year. We haven't been pushing her to do it. She just decided she was going to swim, and voila. She swims.

MJ reminded me that it was the same way when she learned to ride a bike. She decided on her own that she wanted to do it one day, and that was that. We have quite the determined little one on our hands!

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